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The Koshi Origin

The Koshi experience

The creation
of a Koshi

The Koshi chime, a genuine musical instrument, is an original creation of high quality. Crafted in our workshop at the foot of the Pyrenean mountains, each chime is the result of refined artisanal techniques.

The Koshi chime produces a deep sound, rich in harmonics, with long-lasting resonance.

Primarily an instrument of music, its natural and elegant design complements any setting.

Gently swing the chime while holding it by its cord: the clear and relaxing sound will enchant you. Hung up, it will play with the wind and carry you away on an unexpected melody. Appreciated by musicians, they are often used in musical compositions. Many sound therapists, yoga teachers, and meditation guides around the world incorporate them into their daily teachings.

The Koshi chimes are available in 4 different melodies, inspired by the four elements: Terra, Aqua, Aria, and Ignis. Each has its own magical timbre and can be harmoniously played with all the others.

Eight strings are silver-welded into a metal disc attached to the base of the cylindrical resonating chamber. The precise tuning creates a range of tones rich in harmonics. The harmonics of the shorter strings gradually dominate and become fundamental notes, thus forming a circular sound series.

The cylinder, a tube of high-quality acoustic resonance, is crafted in our workshop with thin layers of bamboo and treated with natural oil. Bamboo has been used since ancient times for musical instruments. The cylinder's diameter is 6.3 cm, and its length is 16.5 cm.

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Koshi Terra

880 000 Rp - Ref. KOT

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Koshi Aqua

880 000 Rp - Ref. KOA

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Koshi Aria

880 000 Rp - Ref. KOR

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Koshi Ignis

880 000 Rp - Ref. KOG

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All Koshi

3 000 000 Rp - Ref. KOS

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